Kiss confirms Planet Ancyra Chronicles Steam Launch Date

Kiss confirms Planet Ancyra Chronicles Steam Launch Date
Kiss confirms Planet Ancyra Chronicles Steam Launch Date

Kiss confirms Planet Ancyra Chronicles Steam Launch Date

Kiss Ltd and PulseTense Games are pleased to confirm that ‘Planet Ancyra Chronicles’ will launch on Steam on 21 July 2017 with an SRP of $9.99, £6.99, 9,99€

Planet Ancyra Chronicles concludes the stories behind the previous PulseTense games Solarix and De-Void. As a bonus, owners of both these game will be offered Planet Ancyra Chronicles completely free of charge.

Planet Ancyra – a planet too far and the graveyard of a humanity that became lost in the depths of space. A planet where the human mind became overwhelmed by fears of conspiracy, betrayal, and madness. As the game evolves, unravel the mysterious events surrounding the Planet Ancyra interstellar research base, investigate the enigmas discovered and tie up clues about the lives of colony workers.

Planet Ancyra Chronicles launches 21 July 2017 with an SRP of $9.99, £6.99, 9,99€

Add Planet Ancyra Chronicles to your Wishlist today!

To learn more about Planet Ancyra Chronicles, Pulsetense Games and Kiss Ltd.

About Kiss Ltd
Established in 2012, Kiss Ltd offers indie developers from the UK and around the world a ‘Label’ to publish their games on digital download stores such as Steam. Kiss provides all the contract and legal support; manages all tax issues; manages the catalogue; collects royalties and provides a full suite of marketing assistance. Most importantly, our development partners retain their IP rights.


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