Video Games vs Board Games: Which Is Superior?

Video Games vs Board Games: Which Is Superior?

Video Games vs Board Games: Which Is Superior?

It should not come as a surprise to see so many people looking for ways to entertain themselves. Everyday life gets pretty boring, and if there is hardly anything to help you escape real life, even for a little bit, it does not take too long before you start feeling exhausted and bored.

These days, video games seem to be the go-to option. The pandemic forced so many of us to remain indoors and find ways to keep our minds occupied. And it is no secret that people turned to video games.

Having said that, there is also an argument to be made about board games. The pandemic also limited in-person social interactions, but small groups of people were still able to gather together and play board games.

It is interesting to consider what is a superior option between video games vs board games. Let’s take a detailed look.

The Social Aspect

As already mentioned, board games are excellent because they encourage socializing in a fun environment. 

For some, it is difficult to imagine a better way to have fun with friends in-person than to play board games. 

At the same time, it is also worth noting that there are plenty of video games that allow you to play online. The interactions with players are not the same as they are when playing board games, but the socialization aspect is still present in video games. 

Unfortunately, you cannot always control what other players will say (that is when you are not playing with friends). Public matches can involve toxic behavior, putting you off from playing video games due to negative experiences.

Solo Experience

The social aspect is important, but one should not underestimate the number of people who are not looking to interact with others while having fun. 

Board games are not really a solo experience, meaning that you need other players to play. Meanwhile, some of the best video games are single-player, which makes them an excellent option if you are looking to enjoy your time without other people.

So, if there is one significant advantage video games hold over board games, it has to be the fact that the former offers a solo experience.

Variety in Games

Variety in games is a tricky aspect to discuss, considering the nature of both board games and video games. 

On the surface, it might feel like the video game industry has a lot more to offer, but determining the exact numbers is pretty much impossible.

What is certain, however, is that both video games and board games have extensive libraries for fans of different genres. Whether you are into action, role-playing, or adventure, finding a board game or a video game to your liking should not be an issue.


Replayability is an interesting aspect to consider. A lot comes down to what type of game we are talking about.

For instance, video games are not that replayable, particularly when it comes to single-player titles. With online games, the situation is a bit different as you compete against other players. FPS, action brawlers, and RTS video games are some of the best examples that are all about replayability. If anything, if you want to get better, you need to play those games constantly.

Board games, meanwhile, are generally better in terms of replayability. More so when you do not play them all the time. Compared to how often one plays video games and board games, the latter is behind by a lot.

Potential Problems

What are the potential problems with either of the options? Well, if we are talking about board games, some of them can be pretty expensive. Moreover, you are likely to misplace one of the pieces, which prevents you from playing. That is not really a thing with video games because they are digital.

To play video games, though, you need to have a gaming console or a computer. If you have one anyway, then it is fine, but spending money on a dedicated gaming platform might be too expensive for some people.

Besides, computers have various technical issues that you need to consider. Sometimes, the device won’t charge, or the video game you want to play struggles to run optimally because of performance problems or poor compatibility.

As a gamer, you will also want to invest in gaming accessories, such as headphones, keyboards, and gaming mice. These accessories can be quite expensive.

It is to be expected that video games and board games have certain problems, but they are not significant enough to really stop you from enjoying either of the two.

Closing Thoughts

All in all, video games vs board games is a tricky topic to discuss, considering that while the two are similar, they are also quite different.

If you are looking to have some fun, both options are viable, though, with board games, you will need to organize a group of people, which can be a bit tricky.

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