PREVIEW : Desert Revenant (PC)

PREVIEW : Desert Revenant (PC)

Desert Revenant is a roguelike deck-building RPG that puts a focus on game knowledge and skill over grind. It is beautiful, interesting, in-depth, and addictive. You will encounter a variety of interesting and dangerous enemies and bosses as you make your way through Elmyr, which takes place in an intriguing and engaging world where the sand conceals secrets and a revolt is at play. As you cut deals with Jinn and humans alike in your adventures among the sand dunes, you must carefully consider each move you make.

PREVIEW : Desert Revenant (PC)


  • containing a wide variety of playable characters, unique cards, and several upgrades.
  • a distinct emphasis on summonable teammates and minions.
  • There are numerous stories to examine how your choices impact the world.
  • images that the Gods themselves created.
  • At launch, there are two maps with dozens of carefully crafted encounters on each, all with varying difficulties.
  • Discover a vibrant Arabian world that is bursting at the seams with plots and subplots.
  • Increase your card stock and develop your own playstyle!

Although the full roster of enemies and playable characters may not be present as Desert Revenant enters Early Access, the core experience will still be there, and any feedback on the game will be greatly valued as we develop and improve it as a community.

You can already imagine the kind of adventure and danger you will encounter on your journey, but the sun is burning your eyes, and a mirage hovers and trembles over Elmyr’s sands.

PREVIEW : Desert Revenant (PC)

You get to pick from a variety of characters to go on this journey, like the Leper and the Seer, and you must put together a deck that can get you through this hostile desert unscathed. The city of Soom has burned down, and the Sultanate is now at war with the Jinn Kings. Your choices have a significant impact on both Elmyr’s destiny and the game’s narrative. Face off against a mysterious cast of adversaries and villains as you explore a sizable map and gather a vast array of cards for combat. Discover a game within a game that has fascinating little puzzles to solve.

Are you equipped with both the intellect and the brawn to live on the deserts of Elmyr? Or will history repeat itself once more and you enter hell?

I was really apprehensive to try a rogue-like deck game because I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing Legends of Runeterra. However, after 20 hours of playing Desert Revenant so far and more to come, I can say that it’s a true hidden gem. The developers’ hearts and passion are undeniably evident. Due to the various pathways a player may follow, every run seemed incredibly distinct.

PREVIEW : Desert Revenant (PC)

Don’t get me wrong, learning how to play this game is difficult, and you will fail a lot of times. However, once you do, oh my god, the feeling of accomplishment is beyond words; it can only be experienced firsthand. The various combos I was able to complete in this game made me feel quite fulfilled.

PREVIEW : Desert Revenant (PC)

For those who genuinely enjoy challenging games as well as card game enthusiasts, I highly recommend this game. Especially after reading the developer’s road plan, I can’t wait to see what the game’s future holds.

REVIEW : Beacon Pines (PC)


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