Return to a life of grime in 2023 with SLUDGE LIFE 2


– Art Vandal, eh? –

Professional mischief-makers Terri Vellmann & Doseone and unprofessional publisher Devolver Digital have revealed SLUDGE LIFE 2 – the grimiest first-person vandalism sim since the first SLUDGE LIFE – will deface PC storefronts with rude words later this year. To celebrate this momentous occasion, the original game is now free to download on Steam until March 30! 

Big Mud is missing! Everyone’s favourite rapping frog has vanished, and his closest homie Ghost (that’s you) is on a mission to find him. Explore a bigger, weirder, gnarlier open world loaded with secrets, weirdos, jokes, and, of course, plenty of spots to tag once as you search for the misplaced musician. 

A hundred tag spots can be found around Ciggy City Suites and the surrounding area, including some so well hidden we almost feel bad about it. Hunt them down, spray them all, and let the soulless GLUG corporation know what’s what.

There are three times more NPCs in SLUDGE LIFE 2 than the original game, which means even more citizens, fellow taggers, corporate stooges, and other assorted oddballs to meet and interact with as you explore a truly weird and wonderful open world.

New items? We got ’em! With the Double Js you can double jump and sprint, while the Portable Launcher lets you throw yourself dramatically into the air. There are more, but we don’t want to spoil the surprise. Oh, and all the items from the original are back too.

SLUDGE LIFE 2 features a bunch of new music too — including five killer new tracks from Big Mud himself. Explore the island, find the hidden master tapes, and bless your headphones with fresh beats and rhymes from the most amphibious rapper in the game.

SLUDGE LIFE 2 will launch later this year. Glide on over to to pick up some muddy threads while you wait. 

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