REVIEW : Assassin’s Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

REVIEW : Assassin's Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)
REVIEW : Assassin's Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

REVIEW : Assassin’s Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

It is safe to say that Assassin’s Creed lost its way when it became a Yearly franchise and was plagued with repetitive titles one after the other. With Assassin’s Creed Origins having an extra year for development, Ubisoft has created the biggest and best Assassins Creed yet.

REVIEW : Assassin's Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)
REVIEW : Assassin’s Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

Bayek, the protagonist of Assassin’s Creed Origins has promised to protect the ruler of Egypt. Bayek has a tragic back story and is very relatable with his care for others. He befriends animals and humans alike and kills only those who deserve it

Aya, Bayek’s wife is a capable warrior and The rest of Origin’s supporting cast include Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. Assassin’s Creed Origins still has modern day sequences and thankfully they are few and far between.

REVIEW : Assassin's Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)
REVIEW : Assassin’s Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

The setting of Origins is beautiful filled with vast desert and bustling villages. Ancient Egypt is the best setting in all Assassin’s Creed Games and is visually stunning. Gone are the collectible but still the Ancient Egypt will keep you busy.

The side quests now are crafted with care and contain their own story line separate from the main plot but still equally enjoyable.

REVIEW : Assassin's Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)
REVIEW : Assassin’s Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

Combat has been significantly revamped and is now very similar to Dark Souls series. RB is used for attacks whereas RT breaks enemies defense, combine the two together and you will unleash a special attack based on loadout.

Origins combat can now be used any way you want, be it hitting continuously or just waiting for right moment to strike. Battles never get boring and the variety is a welcome change.

REVIEW : Assassin's Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)
REVIEW : Assassin’s Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

Stealth still is viable option to progress through the game. Stealth is not as significantly revamped as combat but it still gets minor tweaks which help the game a lot. Ubisoft did take inspiration from recent brilliant RPGs like the Witcher 3 and we are glad they did.

Quests now involve searching for clues that lead you to next objective. But this formula is repeated far too often and does get stale after a time.

Weapons, tools and armor are categorized based on rarity and old or less useful parts can be dismantled.

There are numerous out posts in Origins which are begging to be taken over. The Eagle vision is changed somewhat changed, by pressing D-Pad up you can call on Senu, your pet eagle, and scout the area for soldier, alarms and loot.

Ancient Egypt is stunning and jaw dropping beautiful. In fact it is so vast that you might not even touch some areas by the end of the game.You can scale pyramids or enter large tombs resulting in a scale so vast that you will take 100 hours to touch every part of it. Synchronization points are still there unlocking new icons on the map as soon as you synchronize.

Playing the game on XBOX ONE X is a sight to see, character models, textures, water effects all look mind blowing. Frame Rate is rock solid and game has lesser bugs even though it is several times more complex than previous games.

REVIEW : Assassin's Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)
REVIEW : Assassin’s Creed Origins ( XBOX ONE X)

You can ride horses or camels and you can even purchase them but that is pointless as they can be found scattered everywhere in Egypt. Customization is limited and we wish there was more. Skill Tree is very well laid out and will take a lot of time to unlock every skill.

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review-assassins-creed-origins-xbox-one-xAssassin’s Creed Origins is the right medicine at the right time for the series, just like the doctor ordered or even better. The game takes inspiration from variety of newer and well-regarded titles, but all of these elements blend into each other so seamlessly, its almost as if they were meant to be in the game from the start of the series. Hardcore Gamers Unified recommends Assassin’s Creed Origins as it is the best among the series and definitely Game of the Year contender for us.


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