Kuroi Tsubasa – – Sparkling Graphic Novel – Out Today- 2nd June

Today sees the release of Indie publisher Ratalaika Games and Blackwing Gaming’s Kuroi Tsubasa, a colourful and polished visual novel. Coming on  PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Xbox One,  Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch, fans of this genre will be interested to note that the game was developed by a team who are visual novel fiends! Feature and facts120,000 words, so around 10 hours playtime plus achievements Over 50 songs, all created for this game, including several vocal tracksTwo music videos in-gameIncluding variations: over 50 CGs! (CG = graphic that’s not sprite + background, but a unique piece of art for a specific scene)A completely new bonus chapter after the game, exclusive for the console releaseNeat castCool and heart warming storyThoughtful interactionDeveloped by a group who know visual novels inside out!Kuroi Tsubasa is a linear visual novel with different paths to explore.
Peace & Love – A Trip to experience!☮️About Ratalaika Games:Ratalaika Games S.L. is a video game company focused on publishing & porting great games to the console market.

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