REVIEW : PowerWash Simulator (PC)

REVIEW : PowerWash Simulator (PC)

PowerWash Simulator is a game that consumes time and is meant to be a satisfying activity rather than a challenge. It can feel tedious and repetitive at times, but taken in small doses, it’s a pleasant, low-impact, and very satisfying approximation of cleaning .

REVIEW : PowerWash Simulator (PC)

The game is simple yet satisfying, providing a great way to chill out across numerous generously sized levels . There’s something therapeutic about PowerWash Simulator. It removes all the irritations of real-life power washing and focuses instead on the act of sending water screaming into a wall .

REVIEW : PowerWash Simulator (PC)

The complete lack of music and voice acting only adds to the calm, with only the sound of water breaking the silence – aside from the ‘ding’ noise that sounds each time an object is fully clean which adds a real Pavlovian edge to proceedings .

REVIEW : PowerWash Simulator (PC)

During the surprisingly lengthy career mode of more than 20 hours you’re faced with building your small business up as you take request after request, cleaning up buildings and vehicles before reinvesting your earnings into better power washers and their accompanying attachments and soaps .

Overall, PowerWash Simulator is a simple concept done phenomenally well . It’s great if you need something to take your mind off the worries of the world for a few hours and runs just as well in handheld as it does docked .

REVIEW : PowerWash Simulator (PC)

In conclusion, PowerWash Simulator is fun for both short and long gaming sessions, delivering instant virtual gratification from pressure washing goodness .



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