Home Gaming REVIEW : Jusant (PS5)

REVIEW : Jusant (PS5)

REVIEW : Jusant (PS5)

Jusant: A Climbing Adventure Like No Other

Jusant is a unique action-puzzle climbing game that takes you on a meditative journey to the top of a mysterious tower. This game is a standout adventure that effectively draws you into its world. With creative level designs that make the most of the vertical tower setting, the climbing mechanics are fun and intuitive.

REVIEW : Jusant (PS5)


The gameplay is primarily focused on climbing, with elements that put me in mind of 2015’s Grow Home. The climbing mechanics are simple yet engaging, requiring you to use several different gimmicks on a single piece of wall. The game feeds all of this to you quickly and easily in its opening level, and then the real challenge begins: how do you combine all of these exceptionally simple actions in such a way that you can effectively climb anywhere you want?

REVIEW : Jusant (PS5)

The game’s mechanics are easy to pick up but hard to master, providing a satisfying challenge for players of all skill levels. The controls are responsive and intuitive, making the act of climbing feel natural and fluid. The game also includes a variety of puzzles that require you to think creatively and use your climbing skills in new ways.

Visuals and Atmosphere

Visually, Jusant is a feast for the eyes. The game captures climbing’s heart-racing thrills and serene meditations. There’s immense satisfaction in navigating Don’t Nod’s vertical puzzle, and the dizzying views are guaranteed to take your breath away. The game is peaceful and relaxing, easing you into a quiet mood of contemplation and wonder.

The game’s art style is minimalist yet beautiful, with a color palette that changes as you ascend the tower. The sound design is equally impressive, with ambient sounds that enhance the game’s meditative atmosphere.

REVIEW : Jusant (PS5)


Jusant tells an intriguing tale filled with a surprising amount of magic. As you make your way up the vertical cliff-face that comprises 90% of the mysterious tower at the center of the game’s world, you encounter the last remnants of the different civilizations that called it home. The compelling narrative gently weaves its way through your journey through environmental storytelling and discovery.

The story is told through environmental cues and cryptic messages, encouraging players to piece together the history of the tower and its inhabitants. This approach to storytelling adds a layer of depth to the game, making each discovery feel meaningful and rewarding.


In conclusion, Jusant is a delightful adventure from beginning to end. Its meditative simplicity and clean presentation make Jusant a standout game. The emphasis put on climbing mechanics means that it’s never tiresome to play in spite of its linear focus, and its steady transition from biome to biome provides a strong sense of progression.

REVIEW : Jusant (PS5)

Jusant is a game that rewards patience and exploration, offering a unique and memorable experience for players willing to take the time to climb its towering heights. Whether you’re a fan of puzzle games, climbing games, or just looking for a relaxing and immersive experience, Jusant is a game worth checking out.

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review-jusant-ps5Jusant is a game that rewards patience and exploration, offering a unique and memorable experience for players willing to take the time to climb its towering heights. Whether you’re a fan of puzzle games, climbing games, or just looking for a relaxing and immersive experience, Jusant is a game worth checking out.



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