Embark on Engine-eous Adventures: Railroad Corporation 2 Debuts Exclusive First Alpha Demo at Steam’s Capitalism and Economy Fest


Developer Corbie Games Showcases Exciting Advancements to their Tycoon Game Sequel with New Features

Attention, passengers: this is your conductor speaking. Corbie Games, the creators of the acclaimed Railroad Corporation, and publisher Iceberg Interactive are thrilled to announce the first alpha demo for Railroad Corporation 2. This exclusive sneak peek will be available as part of Steam’s Capitalism and Economy Fest starting today and running until January 15th, offering players a chance to experience the evolution of the beloved tycoon game.

About Railroad Corporation 2 : ​
​The game embarks on the dawn of electrification, pioneering the new rail era in this tycoon strategy game. Establish your railroad corporation at the turn of the 20th century by building extensive routes, upgrading your network with state-of-the-art locomotives, and staying ahead of your competition.

Your track to success focuses on economic processes and you will need to increase your income through strategic decisions. Each locomotive is based on real-life examples and boosts different statistics, so keep your eyes open to find the right locomotive for every situation. Expand your corporation, cultivate cities, construct industry facilities, control production and engage in online multiplayer competition or collaborative co-op play. ​ 

Demo Content:
Your goal in the first exclusive alpha demo of Railroad Corporation 2 is to unlock all four locomotives by setting up your corporation and upgrading your depot. Here, you’ll get a firsthand experience of the core mechanics, and the enhancements that shape the sequel.

  • Railroad Building Revolution: Players can create intricate railroad networks, including crossings, tunnels, and bridges, providing a new dimension to city connectivity. Embrace the future with electrified roads and the cutting-edge electro-locomotive.
  • Signal Mechanics: You can lay tracks everywhere and make them more efficient with signaling mechanics, using semaphores to ensure the flow of locomotives across the expanding railroad network.
  • Expanded Territories: The sequel boasts a map twice as large as its predecessor, offering expansive landscapes to conquer and develop.
  • Establish your Office: Choose a city for your primary headquarters in line with your business strategy and decide on optimal locations for train stations. 

Do not miss this opportunity to explore the future of railroad tycoon gaming. Join the Railroad Corporation community during the Steam Capitalism and Economy Fest, and be among the first to experience the exciting world of Railroad Corporation 2. Always keep your train of thought aligned, or risk going down the wrong track

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