

The third edition of the acclaimed eldritch-fantasy adventure game.

My latest project is live on Kickstarter right now!Songbirds is the third edition of my dungeon crawler/adventure game/SWORDDREAM. It’s a d20 game featuring a refined set of stats, a unique Skill List that defines What An Adventure Is. You create your character by assigning points to Stats, choosing a Gift/Curse which gives you unique and diceless abilities, and then heading out on a quest!

It has a built-in setting full of otherworldly patrons, new magic systems (such as Magical Song and the Draconic language), and a big, haunted moon. After the god of death has vanished, spirits can’t find their way to the afterlife. They rise and become twisted in their eternal life. As a Songbird, you search for these spirits to help them find their way beyond. 

Brings Big-Top Psychological Horror to PlayStation, Xbox, and PC on March 6th, 2024


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