REVIEW : Gord (PC)

REVIEW : Gord (PC)

Gord is a game that has managed to stand out in the crowded survival-strategy genre, offering a unique blend of gameplay mechanics, rich lore, and atmospheric setting. Here’s my detailed review after spending considerable time in the world of Gord.

Visuals and Sound Design (4.5/5)

The first thing that struck me about Gord was its stunning visuals. The game’s art style is unique and fits perfectly with the dark, fantasy world that the developers have created. The environments are detailed and diverse, making exploration a joy. The character models and animations are also top-notch, adding to the overall immersion.

REVIEW : Gord (PC)

The sound design complements the visuals perfectly. The ambient sounds, the sound effects, and the music all contribute to the atmospheric setting of the game. The audio cues are also well implemented, providing useful feedback during gameplay.

Gameplay Mechanics (4/5)

The gameplay mechanics are where Gord truly shines. The blend of survival and strategy is well-executed, with neither aspect overshadowing the other. The survival elements are challenging without being frustrating, and the strategic aspects of the game are deep and engaging.

REVIEW : Gord (PC)

The resource management and base-building aspects of the game are particularly noteworthy. The variety of structures you can build and the ways you can customize your base add a layer of depth to the game that I found very satisfying. The tech tree is extensive, offering plenty of options for base upgrades and character progression.

However, the game is not without its flaws. The AI and pathfinding could use some improvements, as there were times when my characters would get stuck or take unnecessarily long routes. These issues, while minor, did impact the flow of the game at times.

REVIEW : Gord (PC)

Story and Lore (4/5)

The story and lore of Gord are intriguing. The game does a good job of gradually revealing the lore through environmental storytelling and questlines. The main story is engaging and provides a good motivation to keep playing. The side quests are also well-designed, offering interesting insights into the world of Gord.

REVIEW : Gord (PC)


In conclusion, Gord is a unique and engaging game that offers a fresh take on the survival-strategy genre. It’s not without its flaws, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. The game offers a deep and immersive gaming experience with its blend of survival and strategy, rich lore, and atmospheric setting. If you’re a fan of survival or strategy games, I highly recommend giving Gord a try.

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review-gord-pcIn conclusion, Gord is a unique and engaging game that offers a fresh take on the survival-strategy genre. It's not without its flaws, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. The game offers a deep and immersive gaming experience with its blend of survival and strategy, rich lore, and atmospheric setting. If you're a fan of survival or strategy games, I highly recommend giving Gord a try.


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