REVIEW : Sparkle 2 (PS4/PS VITA)


Sparkle 2 by 10tons games is a match three puzzle game. Nothing revolutionary can happen in this genre, the game can be either good or bad. Sparkle 2 is better than good, it is downright addicting. 

The plot of Sparkle 2 is concerned with five keys that are spread across the map which is acquired by advancing in the levels. This can be done by blasting orbits that come in the way. This game has a narrative part which makes itself known whenever the player reaches a specific place. The narration includes the introduction of the place which makes the player acquainted with the same. The same though at times proves to be monotonous.

To gather the keys, the player has to complete 92 levels out of which few are repetitive in nature. Though the parameters like color, the speed of orbit are changed but the player can make out easily that the level is repetitive.

The second most important aim is to prevent the fall down of orbits for which different orbit thread’s track should be kept. As you advance in the game upgrades and enhancements are being awarded which help to improve the launcher. The combination of launcher build and at most 4 enhancements is purely dependent upon the player as he or she is the one who makes the choice keeping in mind the comfort ability of the latter.


The game should be played patiently as the time taken to complete each level is different from the other. Some may take only a few minutes while other may take a longer time.

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review-sparkle-2-ps4ps-vitaThe visuals of the game are attractive and spell bounding. The animations are smooth whether it be firing of orbits or be it the power ups that are acquired in the game. The music is also good but it repetitive in nature. The game can be played both on PS4 and Vita but I prefer the former. The touchpad proves to be really helpful in the game. All in all this game is a fun distraction and both the versions are equally good and entertaining.


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