Gaining Complete Insight into DC Network and Cabling Through inteliPhy net


Gaining Complete Insight into DC Network and Cabling Through inteliPhy net

R&M’s inteliPhy net software is the latest of its automated infrastructure management products with its easy-to-use DCIM solution for data center asset, capacity and change management. inteliPhy reduces deployment time and ensures high data quality for documentation with great IT infrastructure visualization. Along with the documentation of all connections in the data center, the software also supports capacity administration. One function makes it possible to find the best place to install new devices using specific criteria. Graphics visualize the current utilization of the data center. Automatically generated emails warn of capacity bottlenecks. Network managers can use the reporting function to prove that they make optimal use of resources and satisfy quality, compliance and service requirements.

inteliPhy automatically detects when cables are inserted or removed and documents the cable infrastructure and connected equipment. It automates the control of network cables so that the data integrity of the documentation is always guaranteed. It remotely navigates the data center, helps see inside the aisle, rows, and racks. inteliPhy net’s better-stay-seated-and-watch-it-on-the-screen 3D floor map visualizations help data center staff stay on top of the data center infrastructure – without leaving their desk,” said Shailendra Trivedi, Senior Director SalesPublic Network at R&M India.

User-defined data administrators can store user-defined data such as inventory numbers, warranty periods or maintenance documents on individual devices. inteliPhy net uses this data to automatically identify devices whose warranty agreement is due to expire soon. The templates already contain data such as performance, consumption, weight and size. inteliPhy net helps to use structured work orders to control changes and maintenance processes across the company, departmental and team boundaries, and verify that these orders are carried out correctly.

Infrastructure management is a complex work and R&M, a manufacturer of infrastructure solutions understands this more so ever. R&M customers who rely on inteliPhy net benefit from this understanding.

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