REVIEW : The Outer Worlds And The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon (PC)

REVIEW : The Outer Worlds And The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon (PC)

REVIEW : The Outer Worlds And The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon (PC)

Its time to put the outer world’s peril on gorgon under the microscope for the test. The game is 2nd addition to the outer world-series. After a long wait of 11 months, the next edition of the world-series is here. The game is developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Private Division, Take-Two Interactive. The game is available on different platforms like PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. But is worth the wait? According to me the time between the games was long enough to make players forget about the story and gameplay of the game which is a real downfall for the game. The outer worlds peril on gorgon is a sci-fi RPG game. The game is fairly a big side adventure that will take you nearly 8 to 10 hours to play through completely and it will make it well worth coming back to this game. The gameplay is not that ambitious as compared to others but its just fine and falls more into the good category.

REVIEW : The Outer Worlds And The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon (PC)

In the first hour of the game, you will be presented with a mystery clutched with a severed human arm. And not too late after that story drops a shocking revelation about the spacer’s choice and its drug pushing pharmaceutical research operation which might not excite firefly fans. This quest will take place mostly on industrial asteroid gorgon but the game will be constantly sending you to other locations for quests around the hyper in the system which doesn’t let the game get boring in the aspect of locations. The story of the game isn’t a mystery or tough to understand. It’s more like an extended story quest to find the journal of the facilities lead scientists at this point the shadow figure which will dog you throughout the game will reveal themselves without any careful investigation on your part. But all in all the story is quite nice with a handful of decent characters. Starting with the “Wilhelmina Ambrose” who will be hiring you for the job and this character is dressed up in some eye-catching clothing. I can’t say that I was surprised with the main reveal but there is a clever spin on it that surprised me a bit and this enhances the delivery making it more memorable. And in the end, you will get to make “Obsidian’s “trademark moral decision, this decision doesn’t have any impact on the main story.

REVIEW : The Outer Worlds And The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon (PC)

Well the story is fun and its delivered with the same dark tone as the rest of the outer world series, but the companion characters will treat the war crime atrocities that your character will uncover with well-deserved seriousness and this doesn’t always go with the dark comedy of the story but does lend a fair amount of gravity when you decide if your character is the kind to execute a Nazi level monster on sight. You will get a total of 5 characters to choose from for your companion each with different pros and cons. Each companion has a fair amount of spontaneous commentary and lip-syncs which gives the game a realistic feel just like the previous game. But there is also some reading to do in the game which will annoy you at times and sometimes this reading is way too much and this makes the player lose interest in the well-going game.

REVIEW : The Outer Worlds And The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon (PC)

The attention to detail and environmental storytelling has made the exploration in the game quite commendable and I have to give credits to the developers for doing such a good job. Keeping the role of gorgon as a pharmaceutical research lab in mind the amount of drugs that you will come across is just astonishing syringes are lying all around. One good addition could have been was to use a drug with negative side effects this would have made the game much more interesting as the story would have taken a different turn. The combat of the outer world is just as same as the last game, you will be fighting psychotic test subjects, marauders, robots, space pirates etc. the game is same as its predecessor in this department but there has been the addition of few new weapons. The game offers a decent amount of content to come back and play this game but if you are a new player to the series the playtime can be as long as 30 to 40 hours which I think is stretching a bit too much.

REVIEW : The Outer Worlds And The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon (PC)

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review-the-outer-worlds-and-the-outer-worlds-peril-on-gorgon-pcTo conclude the outer world's peril on gorgon has done nothing ambitious to introduce anything new to enhance or change up gameplay but the game takes the crew to few new locations which make the game a bit more interesting and stops it from getting boring as it unveils a fairly lengthy and intriguing detective story. The game shows some great graphics and detailing and the sound effects suit the genre of the game perfectly. I would suggest you try this game.


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