Terminator: Resistance Enhanced is coming to PlayStation®5!


Terminator: Resistance Enhanced is coming to PlayStation®5!

UK video game publisher Reef Entertainment is pleased to reveal that TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE will be launching on PlayStation®5 as TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE ENHANCED, set to release March 26th 2021. 



TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE ENHANCED is a new version of TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE taking advantage of the new capabilities of the PlayStation®5 console. Jump back into the action with Jacob Rivers and experience his story from lowly private to hero of the Resistance once more, while enjoying improved framerates and graphical fidelity, faster load times, and the new hardware features of the DualSense controller. TERMINATOR:RESISTANCE ENHANCED will also contain updates brought to the title on PC, as well as the brand new INFILTRATOR MODE which sees players get under the skin of the series’ iconic T-800 series Infiltrator.


TERMINATOR: RESISTANCE is an officially licensed first-person shooter set during the ‘Future War’ scenario that was only glimpsed at in James Cameron’s iconic motion pictures, ‘THE TERMINATOR’ and ‘T2: JUDGMENT DAY’. In a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, 30 years after Judgment Day, we are introduced to a new hero in the Terminator universe; Jacob Rivers, a soldier in the Resistance effort led by John Connor. Though Jacob is just a lowly private, he’ll soon discover that he’s been specifically targeted by Skynet and marked for termination. The machines may be destined to lose the war…but at what cost? Experience the thrilling events leading up to the decisive final battle for the fate of mankind and fight for your future!

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