The Fifth Entry in the Shelter Series is Available Now on Steam


It’s Time To Herd Your Family Home

Might and Delight’s latest entry in the Shelter series, Shelter 3, is now available on Steam.   Shelter 3 invites you to go on a captivating journey of remembrance. A solemn quest to assist an ailing elephant matriarch as she shares her memories and experiences. It’s up to you to choose safe paths and protect the herd from danger. Gather your strength and fill your bellies, for this will be an arduous road. 


  • A large, open game world for you and your herd to get lost in
  • Challenging survival gameplay
  • A herd of loveable elephant characters
  • Provide for your elephant family by hunting and gathering food
  • Keep your family close with the ‘Gather-herd’ feature
  • Enjoy a beautiful original soundtrack created by The Retro Family

About Shelter 3 In Shelter 3 you play as Reva, a young mother, as she’s asked by the matriarch to help find elephants previously lost from the herd. Where they are, she knows of, but how to get there isn’t so clear. So how do you find your way and keep your herd and child safe? 
As with its predecessors, Shelter 3 is a tough game of survival strewn with the menace of hunger and hunting. You will need to eat well and keep your calves from being snapped up if you are to keep your herd alive. Knock fruit from trees to eat, gather your herd close when dangers lurk and choose your path wisely!

About The Shelter Series The Shelter series is a thriving family of five games: 

While earlier games have been about survival, children, and coming of age, Shelter 3 focuses on community and preserving the wisdom of earlier generations.
Your journey will immerse you in a beautiful and dangerous world, made more vivid by the matriarch as she shares her wisdom in enchanting visions. Throughout your journey she’ll call you closer, sharing memories of the paths that lay ahead to help you choose your way. But no choice comes without a challenge, so stay alert and tread carefully.

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