Dive into the world of wildlife in Natural Instincts – an interactive nature documentary sim that’s now available on Steam Early Access.


Enjoy a one-of-a-kind, relaxing gameplay experience where you’ll be responsible for ecosystem balance and animals’ well-being. Get insight into the wildlife of European forests. Manage populations of wolves, deer, and rabbits. Observe their habits and learn a thing or two along the way.

Different species have different characteristics and needs, but they are all driven by instinct. Wolves will migrate to the same hunting grounds their ancestors did. Rabbits will reproduce in the same part of the forest they always have. But the ecosystem is changing. Humans build roads that are dangerous to cross, leave piles of trash that can harm animals, and interfere with the natural environment in many other ways. Natural Instincts will give you the chance to protect the animals, control their breeding, keep dangers away, and balance the ecosystem so it can flourish under your protection.

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