gamigo becomes carbon neutral in 2020


gamigo group takes the next step to commit itself to a more sustainable world for the greater good – even players emissions were analyzed & offset

gamigo group is pleased to announce that it – as part of Media and Games Invest SE (MGI) – recently became carbon neutral for the year 2020. Carbon neutrality is one key component in gamigo’s holistic strategy contributing to a greener future, and this naturally also includes its players.

While the long-term goal for gamigo is to identify the full potential to further reduce its overall CO2 footprint, emissions that can no longer be reduced will be offset. As part of these efforts to contribute to climate action, gamigo’s parent company MGI therefore offset the carbon dioxide emissions for 2020. This includes any CO2 emissions from datacenters, offices, travelling, and suppliers.

But that isn’t all – gamigo continues to put its players first by offsetting the carbon dioxide emissions that were caused when playing gamigo games. To achieve this, gamigo determined the play time of its users and utilized that as the basis for the calculations.

Through offsetting the carbon emissions for 2020, gamigo was able to support projects like the Clean Water Project in Rwanda and a Solar Power Project in Kenya. But this is just the first step for gamigo, further actions to reduce the group’s CO2 footprint will follow. To achieve this MGI and the gamigo group collaborated with carbon management platform Planetly. Through a software-based solution, Planetly is supporting companies to measure their CO2 footprint to evaluate adequate actions, to reduce their footprint, to help offset a company’s emissions that can no longer be reduced and to eventually become carbon neutral. To achieve carbon neutrality is part of MGI’s and gamigo’s sustainability strategy.

gamigo would like to use this campaign to raise awareness for sustainability among its players and support this through further measures. Additional activities of gamigo regarding climate protection comprise, amongst others, the cooperation with Eden Reforestation Projects via its charity website.

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