Strategy Analytics: Imaging RADAR Coming to Automotive

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Not Just for Autonomous Driving, But Also for Enhancing ADA

The automotive RADAR market is expected to grow from 63 million sensors worth $3 billion in 2020 to 274 million sensors worth $10 billion by 2028, according to Strategy Analytics. The report by its Autonomous Vehicle Service (AVS) service, “2022: The Year When Imaging RADAR Enters Automotive,” predicts that imaging RADAR technology will further enhance the performance of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and future autonomous driving systems.

Mandates and safety award programs have increased active safety requirements in new light vehicles, technologies, not only raising the demand for sensors, such as RADAR, but also increasing the performance requirement in ADAS and related sensors. Imaging RADAR is expected to raise range resolution, Doppler (speed) resolution, elevation sensing and counter interference from other RADAR signals, as more vehicles become equipped with RADAR. Compared to existing RADAR, imaging RADAR will limit the occurrence of false readings, detect smaller objects, classify objects in the Field of View and track more targets that are located close together. Not only will performance be enhanced, but also the robustness in sensing and classifying different objects in the FoV, which in turn would raise system performance and consumer confidence in using ADAS.

“This is why imaging RADAR will be implemented across the automotive sector,” said Kevin Mak, principal analyst in the Global Automotive Practice (GAP). Applications targeted for imaging RADAR include Distance Warning Long Range RADAR, Front Corner Alert and new applications, such as Child Presence Detection in the interior and detecting air-kicks for Power Liftgates.

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