Glyph platformer, half off this winter on Steam and Nintendo!


Bolverk Games slashes Glyph’s price in half on all available platforms.

Half fantasy, half reality, at half the price!

In the immortal words of Lady Gaga, “I’m half living my life between reality and fantasy at all times” – and now you can too, at half off, even! 

This Winter Bolverk Games is slashing the price tag of its 3D platformer Glyph in HALF! That means you get a fabulous full-fledged fun time for fifty percent less!

The half off glyph-campaign spans wide and far!

The sale runs from December 22nd until January 5th, so go ahead and start the new year with a smash and a double jump – and glide into 80+ levels, secret and otherwise.

But what does HALF actually mean?

We’ve made these videos to help you understand.

Glyph is available in these shops:

Winter Sale Steam – 22 December – 5 January. 

Winter Sale Nintendo US – 22 December – 5 January. 

Winter Sale Nintendo EU 29 December – 5 January.

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