In-game monetization methods: what are the options?

In-game monetization methods: what are the options?

In-game monetization methods: what are the options?

As a player, it’s sometimes hard to spot the extent to which game developers must be proactive when it comes to making money. The gamer is often so occupied with getting through the game that they fail to notice the constant subtle ways in which the developer is making profits.

Yet, with so many games being free at the point of download, it’s clear that developers are finding ways to develop revenue streams without charging upfront. This blog post will explore what these in-game monetization methods are.


One of the main in-game monetization methods is the use of advertising. There are several ways for a game developer to allow advertisers into their apps: they can, for example, place banner adverts on the side of the games, or alternatively, they can allow the advertiser to place a full -screen advert which takes over the whole game from time to time.

Some game developers are now even using more complex advertising methods such as sponsored content. Given that games often exist in a tight story universe of their own, this may be a challenge – but some gaming brands are managing to do so.

Loot boxes

Loot boxes are another way for savvy game developers to ensure that they monetize parts of their offering. Loot boxes allow the player to purchase items to use in the in-game universe. They’re not normally essential to the workings of the game but are instead added enhancements.

Take the example of a game in which the player is penalized if their avatar loses a life: the loot box in question may contain a few extra lives, designed to let the player spring back and play again. While loot boxes have come in for some criticism due to allegations that they are essentially gambling (but not regulated as such) because the contents are decided at random, it’s often the case that they’re popular with players.

Financial elements

Finally, it’s also possible for a game developer to go down the casino gaming route. While the player often doesn’t need to pay to download the casino app, they do then need to make a deposit using one of various available payment methods in the app to play games such as slots, poker, roulette or something else. Many players are opting to gamble with crypto these days as they see it as being far less risky due to the blockchain it exists on being decentralized – making it almost impossible to hack or defraud.

The gaming industry is also, in fact, expected to become the first major adopter of blockchain and experts have been speculating how it could be used to grant players more ownership of their digital assets – and therefore, increasing the opportunities for them to spend in-game.

To sum up, there are plenty of ways for a game developer to make money without placing a fee of some sort on the game at the point of download. Whether it’s introducing advertisements to the gaming app or going for a more complicated solution such as loot boxes, the possibilities are endless – and mean that players can enjoy the game without having to pay a charge from the start.

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