Ashwalkers is coming to Switch on March 10th


Ashwalkers is coming to Switch on March 10th

Life is Strange co-creator and DONTNOD co-founder Hervé Bonin’s studio Nameless XIII and publisher Dear Villagers (The Forgotten City, ScourgeBringer) have announced that their survival adventure Ashwalkers will be coming to Nintendo Switch on March 10th, 2022.

Years after a geological disaster, a group of survivors called “The Squad” set out into a ravaged world. They need to find a safe haven for their people, but to reach it they must cross a post-apocalyptic wasteland full of complex moral dilemmas. Players must manage the party’s food and equipment and find their way through a dynamic narrative with multiple possible endings.

As well as being available for digital download on the Nintendo eshop, Dear Villagers are partnering with distributor Meridiem to release a special physical edition of Ashwalkers. Ashwalkers – Survivor’s Edition will include a specially designed box and an art book illustrating some of the stunning black and white artwork from the game and a set of character stickers.

Features: Face complex moral dilemmas and make meaningful decisions Discover new paths on each roughly 2 hour-long playthrough Four distinct characters, 34 different endings depending on your choices Find food, manage equipment and ration medication to keep the group from succumbing to madness and despair Travel and learn about this hostile world destroyed by a volcanic apocalypse Seek out and harvest vital resources in the wild  Overcome obstacles, violent encounters and the deadly climate on your journey “Ashwalkers is a melancholy narrative game offering an unprecedented amount of choice as players guide their party through its greyscale wasteland,” said Hervé Bonin, founder of Nameless XIII. “Its small, intimate scale makes it perfect for Switch, where you can hold it close to your face and easily put it in sleep mode for convenience. It’s such a good fit for Ashwalkers‘ thoughtful, deliberately paced take on the survival genre.”
About  Nameless XIII
Nameless XIII is a new French independent studio made up of seven people, including several former students of ETPA Toulouse who created the initial prototype of Ashwalkers. Headed by a former DONTNOD executive, this young team intends to specialize in narrative survival games set in hostile universes and full of moral dilemmas.



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