ALVO coming to Oculus Quest 2 on March 17


ALVO coming to Oculus Quest 2 on March 17

I am delighted to inform you that ALVO, the VR 5v5 online shooter game is set to release on Oculus Quest 2 on March 17.

ALVO is a fast-paced competitive online VR shooter. Experience a revolution in VR movement as you jump, run, prone, and slide around the battlefield. The game features modes like Training Mode (AI only), Free4All, Search and Destroy, and Team DeathMatch. Choose from a selection of killstreaks, perks, and weapons to give you the tactical advantage.  If you want a keycode to play ALVO on Oculus Quest 2, please respond back with your Oculus Account Email address and we’ll invite you into the beta.  Cheers!
 Marco MeyersMardonpol

Ingenious voice-controlled thriller Unknown Number selected for “Narrative Excellence”


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