Glory Hunters Achieves Third Stretch Goal and 8 days left to Kickstarter


Glory Hunters Achieves Third Stretch Goal and 8 days left to Kickstarter

I am extremely thrilled to announce that the third stretch goal for the Kickstarter campaign to fund the physical release of Glory Hunters for Game Boy has been reached. 

We have unlocked a new stretch goal which means a new chapter has been opened in Glory Hunters! With new music, characters, and a Dungeon: “Laris de Mahr” arrives to the game. In this new chapter, you will be able to gain access to explore a city within a giant pillar in the middle of the sea. The habitats are exiles from a culture that reigned the clouds on flying islands called the Dominoriahs, and they have built this structure to reach the sky once more. They have found that an evil that lurks within the machinery has taken over the system. Is up to you to find this shameful beast and return glory to the people of Laris de Mahr. 
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We are near the end of the campaign and Glory Hunters has now reached 141% of its goal due to the support of 868 backers. The next stretch goal titled “Inglorious Heroes” will be unlocked at $61,094 USD.The chapter will tell the story of the curse and the origins of the glory knights that block your path.
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