FREE DEMO now available for goblin-fueled survival city-builder, Goblins of Elderstone


Get a taste of building your own goblin tribe in a colorful and unique take on the city-builder genre

Outerdawn is unleashing goblins on the gaming population this weekend with a free demo, running alongside the Steam Summer Sale, where players can also purchase Goblins of Elderstone for $9.99 / £7.75 / €8.39, 50% off the regular price. 

The free demo will present a limited number of features in hour-long play sessions so that players can jump right in and start building and working with their goblins. Once the demo has been completed, anyone wishing to buy the full version of Goblins of Elderstone can upload the progress they made during the demo and receive rewards retroactively.

Goblins of Elderstone has a lot of deeper functionalities outside of just city building, so we wanted to release a free demo to offer players the chance to experience the core mechanics and then dig deeper into the other features in the full version if they buy the game, which is also available for 50% off on Steam!”, said Gustav Seymore, Creative Director of the game. “We encourage you to join our Discord tribe to report bugs and issues, join in on discussions and generally to keep in touch! We’re gearing up for full launch, so your feedback is most welcome! Have fun!”
More information about Goblins of Elderstone

Goblins of Elderstone
is a unique take on the city-building genre with a goblin-fuelled survival approach where nurturing tribal dynamics is key. Your emphasis is not only on buildings and commerce in your town, but on crafting the culture of its inhabitants and making sure they are happy. Treat your goblins well and they will (mostly) listen to you. Fail to meet their needs and expect them to riot, steal and kill each other. 

In addition to gathering resources and crafting structures, you must engage a layer of diplomacy as you navigate relationships with neighboring tribes, intrepid explorers, bandits, heroes and even gods. Your wits and skill at bartering/bribery negotiations, as well as the occasional pillaging, will help you transform Elderstone from a small village into an empire to be reckoned with.
Play the demo on the Goblins of Elderstone Steam page: 

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