Sonucido: The Mage!


Bring Back The Sun by Daniel da Silva – Accessibility Update!

After six months, I released a new update which adds an option for colorblind players. You can change the green and red tiles to more bright yellow and blue tiles which are much better distinguishable.

The update also improves a lot of minor stuff!

Full Changelog

  • Colourblind mode which switches the explosive tiles to a light blue and the green tiles to a bright yellow
  • Added 8456 on the numpad for movement
  • Fixed a bug which related to the F7-Key – if the player was in dialogue and hit F7 he couldn’t move
  • Fixed an error in the German localization
  • Improved the feeling of a particular rising tile
  • Other minor improvements (code, etc.)

The White Raven is Fully Funded!


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