Circuits and Shields Alpha Kickoff Tournament Starts on Saturday


Circuits and Shields Alpha Kickoff Tournament Starts on Saturday

Indie developer Koza Games will be hosting their alpha kickoff tournament Circuits and Shields on Saturday, June 19, 2021 with a $750 prize pool and no entry fee! You can find additional information on how to participate in the tournament with this link.
The tournament will be played on their unique map “Circuitball” which is a unique blend of Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee, and traditional MOBA mechanics. Circuitball is a 20 minute, pick-up-and-play rush of adrenaline where teams must work together to carry or pass the ball into the enemy team’s endzone.

What does modernized look like?

  • An absolutely ridiculous champion roster with a robot janitor named Jan Itor, the gods’ Arbiter of Destruction, and everything in between. All with creative and modernized champion kits that are just plain fun to play.
  • Simple to learn, but full of depth on every level, including intuitive item system that removes complex recipes while retaining flexibility. 
  • “Augments” allow a champion to be played multiple ways, increasing variety without increasing the learning curve.
  • Rogue-lite “Blessings” ditch the boring objective dance, giving teams a chance to vote on team-wide buffs or mini-game events
  • Game mode “Circuitball” provides clutch playmaking and intense action that’s sure to make you say “Let’s play one more” (Standard MOBA modes to come)
  • “Small Indie Company”, but for real! Circuits is built on community feedback with changes often implemented the same week they are suggested. Come give us your opinion!

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