Defend the world of Crypto-Currencies with Crypto Against All Odds on March 2nd


“Take the role of a cybersecurity expert to fight against hackers and other blockchain threats in this cypherpunk interactive fiction.”

PID Publishing and Pictagor Games are proud to announce the release of Crypto Against All Odds on March 2nd 2021. A game made for crypto-curious which story explores the rise of crypto culture with a new and modern tactical tower defense gameplay, in the style of plant vs zombies. Discover the world of cryptocurrencies while battling against bugs, hackers, ransomware and other deadly cybersecurity attacks.

You play as a blockchain security expert doing bounties jobs in the early days of Bitcoin. When hacking activities begin to surge, you sense a looming threat trying to bring down the entire crypto space. As you interact with other forum users, read terminal chats and message board, you slowly piece together a big conspiracy. Meanwhile, the people behind it are also on to your true identity, something you have been trying to keep as a secret. 

Hacking game Crypto Against all Odds is coming to PC and will be available on Steam and GOG. 


  • Roleplay as a Security Expert: Take the role of a cybersecurity expert. Visit a virtual forum, take on bounties jobs, read terminal chat messages and uncover a huge conspiracy in the crypto space. 
  • Side activities: Between missions, player can partake in various activities: chat with your crypto squad, trade cryptocurrencies, play arcade mini-games, read inbox messages from strangers and use your wit to determine an action. Choices have consequences. 
  • Squad customization: Whether you want to slow down enemies with a plasma beam, blast them in an explosion, or teleport your crypto around, there will be a unit to cover your tactical need. Explore different synergies by combining crypto units with various supporting powers, from zapping a single bug to calling airstrikes.
  • Base building: Visit and upgrade your central Hub between missions. Each Hub upgrade is not only cosmetic but will grant additional features or even introduce an entirely new game mode! 
  • Other features
    • Mini arcade games
    • In-game Encyclopedia
    • Endless Survival mode
    • On-demand music playlist
    • Crypto memes

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