Virtual characters instead of real-life handshakes


We’re joining Indie Arena Booth Online at Gamescom! 27th-30th August 2020

Will online conventions with virtual characters be our future? We don’t know yet, but let’s find out together.

We are looking forward to meeting you all virtually in one of our game booths at the Indie Arena Booth Online from August 27th through 30th! Drop by, meet us, talk to our developers, and chat with other indie fans! Check out, what HandyGames and their teams have been working on for the past months.

Here is our awesome line-up for Indie Arena Booth 2020 with even more awesome indie titles:

So, you’re super excited to see how an online convention will play out, right? Indie Arena Booth put together a really nice concept and managed to get it online within an amazingly short time frame. They made dreams come true! A fully virtual booth with different rooms to visit, public and private chats, interactable objects and NPCs, directly streaming live events, and so much more to explore! We even have a backstage area at our publisher booth. Cheers!

Enjoy lovely made game booths with a lot to explore and interact!

Streaming-Events overview

Oh yeah! There will be events! And we’re not talking only simple Let’s Plays, we have some super special events to keep our fans and visitors entertained such as cooking with the devs, Lego building, and speedruns.

Those events will happen via our Twitch channel
Those events will happen via our Twitch channel

Goner – 100% funded on Kickstarter


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