‘Military Update’ Released for Sci-Fi Sim ‘Starship Corporation’


Iceberg Interactive and Coronado Games have released a major update for their starship-building simStarship Corporation, currently available in Steam’s Early Access program for PC. The ‘Military Update’ enables the player to equip their starships with much needed military might, to counter the many dangers in space. While you progress and build your starship, you can now unlock all weapons and fuselages needed for the interplanetary military-industrial complex. Simultaneously, several new rooms have been added, including the basic cannon, advanced cannon, smart missiles (take those meteorites down!) as well as the railgun. New contracts to build exciting new ships are also now available.

David Murent, lead developer at Coronado Games says: “Development takes a big step forward with this Military Update. There is a lot more to be discovered, most importantly the final missing piece of this game: the strategy elements to unlock new markets in the galaxy map. However, for now we will focus on fixing issues that may pop up with today’s big update, so keep the feedback coming!”

Some highlights of the ‘Military Update’ are:

  • added new military fuselage ‘Portador-818’
  • added new military fuselage ‘Mäger-Y’
  • added new contract ‘Police Cruiser’
  • added new contract ‘Border Patrol Vessel’
  • added new contract ‘Battlecruiser’
  • added new contract ‘Missilecruiser’
  • added new rooms: Basic Cannon, Advanced Cannon, Auto Cannon, Rapid Fire Cannon, Long Range Cannon, Railgun, Basic Missiles, Smart Missiles, Cluster Missiles and Drone Missiles

For a complete overview of the changelog, please visit the official Steam page.

Starship Corporation, published by Iceberg Interactive, is set for a 2017 release on Steam for PC. The game, currently in Alpha, can already be played and purchased for $19.99. For more information, please visit the official Steam page http://store.steampowered.com/app/292330.


STARSHIP CORPORATION is a starship-building simulation game in which you must design and build spaceships for a hugely demanding galaxy-wide market. It is you who must decide which technologies to invest in first, where to open new offices and where to establish new markets. You must design every little detail about the interior layout of your creations, from the location of the bridge, engines, generators and crew quarters to the position of each elevator, corridor and power line. You must then gain an intergalactic reputation by testing your ships and their crew’s capabilities in a series of real-time strategy missions, to simulate emergency or combat situations, and test your vessels to their limit – and let the competition know just what they are up against.


  • Sandbox Mode with access to the Solar System’s Trade Network and its procedural generation of ship design contracts
  • 202 unlockable rooms and facilities for construction
  • 24 Missions for standard operation, emergencies and hostile encounters to test your ship in Crew Management
  • 22 unlockable fuselages


Coronado Games (www.coronadogames.com) is a small independent game development company based in Berlin, Germany. Founder David Murent started working on his first title “Starship Corporation” in 2012. The game turned out to be a crowdfunding success on Indiegogo and later on Steam’s Project Greenlight. Currently Coronado Games is a three man team, dedicated to taking space strategy gaming for PC to a whole new level.


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