Offroad Delivery Service is coming to PC.


Taste the off-read experience with a twist. Face challenging weather conditions, extreme terrain, wild animals, and your worn-out truck breaking down in Offroad Delivery Service that has just been announced.

Offroad Delivery Service will allow you to try your luck as a courier assigned to the most challenging tasks. Forget about straight city roads, elevators, and all the amenities of civilization, as your job will be to deliver cargo of various sizes to distant and hard-to-reach places. To achieve this task, you’ll be equipped with what might come in handy while in the wild, like a rope, an axe, an ice axe, or spare parts for your loyal SUV. However, the success of your mission will depend as much on your equipment as on your skills. And even those will vary – from your ability to carry large loads, through overcoming adverse weather conditions, to avoiding bruises and sprains. Get ready to move both by car and on foot whenever needed. Try to win better contracts to earn bigger money, upgrade your SUV, and become the best courier out there!

Add the game to your wishlist on Steam ( not to miss the assignment.


Offroad Delivery Service is an off-road simulator with a twist. Jump into the front seat of your SUV, load the cargo in the trunk, and roam the wilderness ahead of you to reach the destination point on time and in one piece. Face challenging weather conditions, extreme terrain, wild animals, and your worn-out truck breaking down on the way. Get ready to move both by car and on foot whenever needed. Try to win better contracts to earn bigger money, upgrade your SUV, and become the best courier out there!

Naturally, you won’t be doing all this only for fame and glory. Oh no! Of course, it’s for the money. In the end, money will allow you to upgrade both your equipment and your truck. After upgrading those, you’ll be able to get more challenging and, at the same time, more lucrative contracts. Just remember that delivering the package and doing it on time is as important as making sure that whatever you deliver will reach the recipient intact.

Weather conditions, extreme terrain, wild animals, injuries, your truck breaking down, and shortcomings in your own skills will all stand in your way. But if you make the right decisions, invest reasonably, stay patient, and most importantly, don’t give up, there won’t be a delivery you can’t complete!


  • An open-world adventure in the wild with no limits, where you can build your own economy.
  • Character development connected with the equipment and SUV upgrading system.
  • Dynamic weather conditions, day and night cycle, extreme terrain, and surprising encounters with wild animals mean that you won’t be allowed to get bored on the road.
  • Both the natural environment and human-made structures will influence both your character and your SUV.
  • A wide range of shelter customization options to make it feel more like home.

Offroad Delivery Service is being developed by Arkuda Inc. and will be published on PC by Games Operators.

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