REVIEW : Atomic Ninjas (PS VITA)


Atomic ninjas, developed by grip games is a 2D platform multiplayer game.
This is a cartoon styled fun filled game, so don’t expect any blood and gore here.

The game starts with the tutorial named ninja academy. It teaches various techniques of game in a humorous manner. The jumps, double jumps, attacks and stealth techniques are all taught in the funniest way you can imagine.

The game after ninja academy is divided into two parts: offline mode and online mode. In offline mode you can fight bots to practice and develop your skills for all the frantic fighting you are going to do in the multiplayer mode. You fight other ninjas and destroy them in various ways by using environment to your advantage. Laser beams, water, molten lava among various other things are part of environment which you can use to rule over your opponent. Hiding behind rocks or heap of objects add a 2.5D feel to this 2D atomic platformer. You can jump swing using a rope or rocket your way platform to platform.

The environments filled with high contrast colors along with competent lighting, create the wonderful environments of atomic ninjas. The background music is themed like the Russian one, the detective one and all of them contributing to the comedic feel of the game and will make you enjoy the game for hours and hours.

There are seven maps/arenas in game where you play deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, domination and treasure hunt. Each mode and arena is equally satisfying and fast paced, so to be on top, bring your A game every time. To help you with that each ninja has a special ability which you can level up as you play the game, there are 8 abilities in total. There are 30 ninja trials to complete as well which are presented at the start of each match, you can take them as mini missions. Ninja Trials add more replayability to the game which is already so addicting.
You can change your loadout for a match during the match by accessing rotating cubes placed throughout the arena/map. These rotating cubes can provide you with rockets, ropes, claws and shiudicks etc. Some Ninja trials require use of certain equipment, so these rotating cubes can help you achieve them.

Think you figured out the game and are dominating each match easily, then beware of the noob rage. Noob rage is a special ability that is awarded to a player who has the lowest score during the match.
During noob rage the ninja turns into an invisible hulk ninja which can defeat other ninjas with one touch.
The background music also becomes of a raging zombie.

All your progress shows in leaderboards with all stats, points and rank contribute towards leaderboards since this game is multiplayer dominated.

Atomic ninjas being a multiplayer dominated game provides lots of replayibilty. I loved trying out all the loadouts to come out on top of the match, but the added uncertainty of noob rage sometimes worked for me and sometimes against me but still was lot of fun when I was trying to defeat a noob raged ninja. I found Rocket and shiudicks to be the best combination of loadout for a deathmatch.
12 trophies to earn in all (7 bronze, 4 silver and 1 gold), so this game will keep you busy for a long while.
Atomic Ninjas stays true to its name with atomic sized price (9.99 USD and EURO) and download
size (100MB around) to the aspect of playing like a ninja fast and furious.


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