REVIEW : Control Craft 3 (PC)

REVIEW : Control Craft 3 (PC)

REVIEW : Control Craft 3 (PC)

REVIEW : Control Craft 3 (PC)

Control craft 3 is developed and Published by Cristian Manolachi and Atomic Fabrik in December 2016. It forces you to think quickly and use clever tactics for you to conquer a planet! Control Craft 3 is the sequel of its predecessors. The 3rd version of Control craft has been enhanced in like everything which made the original Control Craft a hit. Right from its impressive graphics to the gameplay that just makes you an addict for this game. The motive of the game is quite simple and easy to grasp. You will we give command of troops and you have to lead them in battle. All you got to do is send in your loyal soldiers to conquer the enemy place in waves. You have to plan this simple thing very cleverly as you start with a very limited number of soldiers and as you go on conquering the enemy bases the number of soldiers will increase, and so on you have to capture other bases also. This is the 3rd game in the series of a simple concept of numbers game. In the game, all you need to do is drag your soldiers into towers and eventually overthrowing the enemy and gaining more soldiers. Essentially each map has several generators the person who controls the generators get the control of the units it’s creating.

REVIEW : Control Craft 3 (PC)

Along the way you get options to upgrade your weapons to help you push through more challenging levels. You will be in charge of 3 different units light, heavy and flying and you have to make a battalion with the right combination of all three to successfully win the round. The game features 48 different levels with the ability to upgrade your weapons and the features that caught my eye was the audio reaction of troops when they are given orders it’s just amazing and it gives a very realistic feel to the game. It makes you feel like a real leader of a battalion. The requirements to run the game are not very much and any basic system can support it. The minimum requirement to run the game is 1 GB Ram,50 MB space on the hard drive, and Pentium processor while the recommended are 2Gb ram and 50MB space on the hard drive and Dual Core Processor. These requirements can be met by a normal standard PC.

REVIEW : Control Craft 3 (PC)

The content that the game offers is quite simple and was not worth the original price that too when you are getting advertisements in the game. Players could have played this game for free online and that too with no advertisements in between to interrupt your gameplay. Also, the AI of the game was quite messed up different colour teams use to team up against the player, for example, a blue node use to attack my node while completely ignoring the nodes in between, another flaw that was noticed by many players was that controls use to be unresponsive at times which made the game give a bad impression. And there is no free full screen in the game which is really a bummer and also it doesn’t make any sense to not include full-screen mode, other than this there were many bugs like bugs in claiming achievements, upgrading the equipment.

So coming on to current year the game is pretty much bug-free as a new developer took charge of the game. The developers added new maps and new equipment to go with it. After like 5 years the new developers fixed the problems with AI. But still, I believe there is a long way for them to go.

REVIEW : Control Craft 3 (PC)

This game has not much to it all you do is drag your solider from one node to another to capture it and gain control. As you go on clearing maps you will get upgrade points which then can be used to get permanent upgrades and buy one-time use power-ups like bombs to attack, lightning strike etc. I would suggest this game as its cheap and interesting for people who like to play this kind of games.

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review-control-craft-3-pcCurrently, its priced at Rs. 41 which its not a big amount so you can try. But I do think that this game can be something more amazing if a lot of work is punt into it like improving the interface and graphics of the game which are pretty good but still there is room for improvement.


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