REVIEW : HyperBrawl Tournament (PC)

REVIEW : HyperBrawl Tournament (PC)

REVIEW : HyperBrawl Tournament (PC)

Perhaps expecting to cash in on the lasting popularity of Rocket League, developers Milky Tea Studios have made their rough frantic combat game, Hyperbrawl Tournament, as garishly engaging and simple to choose up as possible, and have largely succeeded in creating something that feels immediately fun, even if it does begin to feel tedious very quickly.

REVIEW : HyperBrawl Tournament (PC)

The premise is easy: two units of two battle it out in a confined arena and strive to score a point by getting the ball into their opponent’s goal. The catch is that the other team can use any number of brutal tactics to stop them. If you ever played Bullfrog’s standard Speedball, then it’s like that but on a shorter scale.

REVIEW : HyperBrawl Tournament (PC)

Each team has a name and colour, and unique players belonging to one of three classes. Swift, Tank, and Core players specialise in speed, toughness, or a blend of both, and each team has a special ability to help turn the tide. That might be, for instance, a huge sword to swing into contestants to make them drop the ball, which you then grab and either pass or shoot. It took me a while to get the hang of how fast the opponent team can move, and how to properly switch characters. It’s quite easy to lose track of where the ball is and who you’re in charge of.

REVIEW : HyperBrawl Tournament (PC)

Once you have the ball the idea is to score as quickly as you can. Once the ball has left you, you can curve it around other players while it’s in the air, which is cool but takes practice. It’s essential though, to outthink your opponent, as there isn’t a great deal of tactical depth to Hyperbrawl Tournament. There’s not a big deal of depth to it, full stop. It’s a comfortable enough experience to play with friends, but played solo or even against intruders, it loses its sheen pretty quickly.

There are various alternate modes to jump into, though none feels particularly stand-out and you don’t need to think or act differently during any of them. It’s usually a problem of throwing the ball hard enough to beat an enemy down, and then scoring, or flailing in with arms and legs swinging to steal the ball, and then scoring. The fun is in the slapstick nature of the action, and the little boost you get from crushing your enemies and then scoring over the top of their recumbent forms.

REVIEW : HyperBrawl Tournament (PC)

Rewards are handled with loot crates which you can also buy – but it’s very basic stuff. Nothing worth spending money on or grinding for. Ultimately it’s just stuff to customise your players, but not in a meaningful or even interesting way.

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