Zoo 2: Animal Park – Birthday Party in the Savanna


An even greater animal variety in your 3D zoo due to the new Kujali Park White Headed Vulture and Saiga Antelope were added to the shop because of the jubilee

The 3D animal world is in a party mood, because Zoo 2: Animal Park is celebrating its fourth anniversary! The developer and publisher of popular online games, upjers (https://en.upjers.com/), has opened a new region especially for this occasion: the Kujali Park.

A new region was added to Zoo 2: Animal Park (https://en.upjers.com/zoo-2-animal-park). From now on, the whole diversity of species of the savanna will find a home in Kujali Park. This savanna region already has an employee: Derek, the caretaker. He guides player through this new region and has a lot of new quests and rewards in store for them.
Of course all the enclosures and decorations from the main zoo can be put into the Kujali Park. This makes the new savanna region a fantastic expansion for Zoo 2: Animal Park, just like Fir Grove. But if you want, you can also design Kujali Park completely in savanna style. For this, there are sandstone pillars or a mosaic path.

Once players have unlocked Kujali Park, they can also get two new animals from the store: The White Headed Vulture for savanna enclosures and the Saiga Antelope for plains enclosures. Both are the perfect first inhabitants for the new region.

To travel to Kujali Park, players need a transport station. In it there is a world map with which they can choose to travel to Fir Grove, the Terrarium, Kujali Park, or back to the Main Zoo.

As a little birthday surprise, a cashback event will also be launched. All diamonds spent in the game during the event will be added up – afterwards a certain percentage of the spent diamonds will be returned to the players. At the same time, there are also discounts on park expansions, enclosure expansions, buildings and decorations. A shopping tour through Zoo 2: Animal Park is worth your while! Cashback event and discount week end on Monday, March 28th, 2022, at noon CEST.

About Zoo 2: Animal Park

Launched as an app in April 2018, Zoo 2: Animal Park (https://en.upjers.com/zoo-2-animal-park) has become an absolute hit in app stores within just a few months. Cute zoo animals in 3D that even interact with players hit the mark with the upjers community and also enthuse many new players. The gaming app has now surpassed the ten million downloads mark and is available as a cross-platform game as well as a browser game and on Steam.

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