Ninjala Blows Past Eight Million Downloads, Celebrate w/ Hatsune Miku

Ninjala Blows Past Eight Million Downloads, Celebrate w/ Hatsune Miku

Ninjala Blows Past Eight Million Downloads, Celebrate w/ Hatsune Miku

The hit bubble-gum brawler Ninjala by GungHo Online Entertainment has exceeded eight million downloads worldwide! Now until December 1, everyone who logs in will get a free 100 Jala bonus to celebrate.
Players are dancing with joy alongside Hatsune Miku, the famous virtual singer collaborating with Ninjala as part of her Magical Mirai 2021 tour. Musical classics such as “Senbonzakura,” “ROKI,” “Just Be Friends,” and “Shake it!” are all available for 200 Jala each in the Shinobi Shop. Throughout the event, fans will love all of the collab items such as costumes, emotes, Gum Utsusemi, and more, inspired by the world-famous virtual singer and her friends. Grab your glow sticks and jump in the mosh pit for this magical concert lasting only until November 7.

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