REVIEW : SEASON: A letter to the future (PC)

REVIEW : SEASON: A letter to the future (PC)

SEASON: A letter to the future is a wonderful narrative adventure where you explore an unknown world as protagonist Estelle. The game has a unique art style and soundtrack that make for a relaxing experience while cycling through beautiful landscapes. The world is densely packed with points of interest and is a joy to explore. The scrapbooking feature is intensely satisfying and adds an emotional depth to the game. This emotional rollercoaster ride is something you need to experience first hand.”

REVIEW : SEASON: A letter to the future (PC)

SEASON: A letter to the future is a game that takes you on an emotional journey through its beautiful world. The game’s art style and soundtrack are unique and make for a relaxing experience while cycling through the landscapes. The world is full of secrets and hidden treasures that are waiting to be discovered.

REVIEW : SEASON: A letter to the future (PC)

The scrapbooking feature in SEASON: A letter to the future adds an emotional depth to the game that makes it stand out from other narrative adventures. It allows you to collect memories and create your own story as you explore the world.

REVIEW : SEASON: A letter to the future (PC)

The game’s story is well-written and engaging, with themes of memories and loss that will resonate with players. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy to become invested in their journey.

SEASON: A letter to the future is a game that will leave you feeling emotionally fulfilled. It’s a beautiful experience that everyone should try at least once.

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review-season-a-letter-to-the-future-pcIf you're looking for a relaxing adventure game with an emotional story, then SEASON: A letter to the future is definitely worth checking out.


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