Diablo meets Cardhunter – with one hell of a challenge – Rezrog to arrive May 31st

Diablo meets Cardhunter - with one hell of a challenge – Rezrog to arrive May 31st
Diablo meets Cardhunter - with one hell of a challenge – Rezrog to arrive May 31st

Diablo meets Cardhunter – with one hell of a challenge – Rezrog to arrive May 31st

Rarely comes a game with a challenge so great that even the developers have struggled to complete it. With no option in difficulty modes, you are thrust into an ever-changing dungeon wilderness with sheer survival being your principal task. Welcome to Rezrog, which will release worldwide on Wednesday, May 31st.
Evil Wizards, grotesque creatures and hideous tongue-lashing swamp monsters from far around have descended to the darkest depths of the earth where they harvest the power of the gems found there. Take your team of brave adventurers, use your tactical nous and take advantage of enemy weaknesses to wrench the power back dungeon by dungeon in a quest to restore Rezrog to the peaceful land it once was.
Battle through 100 dungeon levels across 10 environments and with infinite procedurally generated dungeon layouts, no two play-throughs are ever the same. Other traps and pitfalls will also stand in your way to make each dungeon more challenging than the last. Testing saw countless players even fall to one of the early dungeons – get your tactics wrong and even the tutorial level can account for a number of your team.
The first in a series of Rezrog survival guides has also been released to show Rezrog’s unique party mechanic that puts a new spin on Permadeath. Enter a dungeon with any one of your team. If they are defeated, they are captured along with all the skills and loot they had acquired – but all is not lost for your fallen hero – come to their rescue, and release them to fight another day. Should all your team be captured however, your quest has come to an end.
Rezrog will be available for PC, Mac & Linux
(£6.99, €9.99, $9.99)
About Rezrog

Equip, craft and upgrade items on your way to building a strong and resilient team capable of withstanding even the greatest of attacks from the biggest and meanest of foes. Learn powerful skills along the perilous journey through 100 dungeon levels that will give you the edge in battle as you look to tactically outsmart whoever or whatever stands in your way. Get it right and you are one step closer to your goal. Get it wrong and end up imprisoned…or worse.


  • Unique party mechanic: You have a party of brave heroes at your disposal, each with unique looks and strengths, but only one of them can go on an adventure at a time. If one hero falls prey to the enemy and gets captured, rescue him with another member!
  • Tactical turn-based combat: Carefully plan your actions during the combat, conserve your resources and exploit enemy weaknesses.
  • No two dungeons are ever the same: Procedurally generated dungeons create a unique experience for each and every player with interesting dungeons, large variety of equipment items and events impacting dungeon exploration.
  • Permadeath: Getting your whole party captured means the end of the journey for your daring party of heroes.
  • Progress persistence: Leave your legacy to next generations of heroes, even after permadeath, by acquiring and forging precious gems which leave stat points for use in a new game.
  • Tabletop aesthetic: Mimics a paper board game style.
  • Adventurers to heroes: Share all gear and skills within your team and equip them to suit your playstyle, but do it evenly. If your strongest hero is captured, you face an uphill task.
  • Dungeon crawling: Prepare for unforeseen events as you face various dungeon challenges, avoiding traps and lethal encounters.
  • Skill system: Skill discovery and upgrade system that allows acquiring and improving skills as you play.
  • Boss battles: Challenging boss battles to test your fighting spirit. One wrong move could spell defeat.
  • Large world to explore: 100 dungeon levels, 10 different environments
  • 7 character classes to play.
  • More than 60 skills that can be upgraded to become even more powerful.
  • More than 120 enemies to encounter.
Rezrog will be available for PC, Mac & Linux
(£6.99, €9.99, $9.99)

Visit the Rezrog Steam store page for more informatio


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