RPG Monochrome Order for PlayStation®


You decide the ending of the adventure through Judgments!

KEMCO proudly announces the release of Monochrome Order for PlayStation®4 set to hit the European/Australian PlayStation®Store today. Standard price is EUR 14.99, but PS Plus users will have a special 20% OFF discount during the first two weeks! For more information, please visit the PlayStation Store.


You, a boy appointed as an Arbiter, use an ancient magic known as “Judgment” to choose how to guide the world to a better place.

However, not everyone may agree with your idea of justice. You will be faced with extremely difficult decisions. You decide whether to bring salvation or tragedy to the world.

Multiple stories with multiple endings!

Your Judgments will greatly affect the story and your character’s role. The decisions you make may even lead you into the path of evil…

Ultimate replayability!

After clearing one route, you may restart the game to start a new route with the same character! The more routes you explore, the more dark secrets of this intricate story you will uncover.

Party members galore.

Gain up to 18 other party members from your Judgments and progression through the story! Try various formations to overcome challenges by making the most of each character’s unique skills.

Monochrome Order for PS4
Monochrome Order for PS4
Monochrome Order for PS4

PlayStation.com Game Page | PS4 | Official Page | Official Trailer

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