VR Testing Made Simpler and More Accessible, with GameDriver’s Latest Update


VR Testing Made Simpler and More Accessible, with GameDriver’s Latest Update

Testing games and applications for XR devices, such as the Meta Quest or Valve Index, has many complex challenges. Having to put on the headset whenever functionality and features need to be validated can be time-consuming and prone to errors and omissions. For testers, the long in-game sessions mean that it’s not a matter of “if” they will experience vertigo or nausea; it’s “when”, making it inaccessible. Fortunately, GameDriver has the solution.
GameDriver™ — a leader in automation solutions in the gaming, AR, and VR industries — recently released GameDriver 2022.07, the latest update for their flagship software. Today, the software developer is sharing its latest video, a deep dive into one of the update’s most exciting features: Simulated XR Support.

The 2022.07 release of GameDriver includes support for simulating inputs from XR devices such as the Meta Quest or Valve Index. Using the GameDriver testing SDK, testers and developers can add virtual XR devices to the project during the test, and send commands to those devices to simulate input as if the user was wearing the device! Overall, this update will improve the quality of both XR experiences and their respective QA processes in equal measure.
All of this adds up to valuable time saved during testing, precise and consistent repeatable execution, and improved time to market!

To learn more about Simulated VR Support with GameDriver, watch the company’s latest video:

You can also find complete details about GameDriver 2022.07 on the company’s blog: https://gamedriver.io/blog/posts/2022/july/gamedriver-2022-07-is-now-available

GameDriver is a comprehensive toolset capable of standardized, reusable, and scalable automated testing for gaming and XR products. It gives time back to testers and development costs back to creators and publishers, resulting in higher quality games and products that are unburdened by bugs and glitches at launch. GameDriver supports a large ecosystem of game engines, test frameworks, and execution platforms, including Unity, NUnit, Jenkins, MSTest, BitBar, Oculus, and more.

GameDriver delivers the following key benefits:

  • Provides rapid feedback for each build and release
  • Ensures a high-quality immersive experience across digital mediums
  • Increases test coverage, consistency, and execution time
  • Reduces dependency on manual testing by up to 85%, allowing testers to make better use of manual testing efforts
  • Controls the cost of ongoing Quality Assurance
  • Reduces time-to-market

GameDriver is available in Free Trial, Base Package, and Professional Package tiers. The company is proud to offer free licenses for educators and start-ups through their Ambassador program, so that they can support the gaming industry and emphasize the importance of testing.

For more detailed information about GameDriver and to get started, visit https://gamedriver.io.

If you’d like to learn more about GameDriver, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or request to join their Slack community by emailing [email protected].

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