REVIEW : Infernax – Halloween Update – The Arcade Crew (PC)

REVIEW : Infernax - Halloween Update - The Arcade Crew (PC)

The Arcade Crew and Berzerk Studio’s critically acclaimed independent splatterfest Infernax will add a new playable character tomorrow, replete with a hockey mask inspired by vintage horror. Introducing The Stranger, a lethal force to be feared, equipped with a shotgun and a variety of blunt weapons that can produce a tonne of gore as you eliminate your enemies. Starting a new save file on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, or PlayStation 4 will immediately unlock The Stranger.

REVIEW : Infernax – Halloween Update – The Arcade Crew (PC)

Infernax, which debuted earlier this year, is now rated 84/100 on the review aggregation website Metacritic. It has received accolades from both fans and the media for its difficult gameplay, reliable mechanics, and well-done old-school 8-bit nostalgia.

REVIEW : Infernax – Halloween Update – The Arcade Crew (PC)

After you return from combat to discover your homeland destroyed by an evil entity that you must defeat if you are to save your people from the terror and darkness that have overtaken them in your absence, the game’s iconic NES-era style that you know and love sends you on a gory odyssey.

REVIEW : Infernax – Halloween Update – The Arcade Crew (PC)

Demon hunters who want to switch from a mace to firepower can access The Stranger by giving their character in a fresh save file the name “stranger”. You’ll then put on your adorable hockey mask, confront creatures that are beyond the realm of the human, and ideally use a shotgun and/or a reliable baseball bat to turn them into a bloody pulp. The Stranger also has a lethal shotgun, but using it comes with danger because, while the blast is strong enough to kill adversaries from a distance, it also has a substantial blowback, so use caution to avoid falling into the abyss. You’ll be prepared to meet whatever lurks in the shadows and give them the real hell with the help of secrets to discover, strong skills to master, and a variety of spells in your spellbook. Your morality will be put to the test along the road by morally challenging decisions that will determine not just Upel’s fate but also the fates of The Stranger and Alcedor, opening up various gameplay options.

REVIEW : Infernax – Halloween Update – The Arcade Crew (PC)

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review-infernax-halloween-update-the-arcade-crew-pcAlthough the task at hand is not one for the faint of heart, Infernax provides both a traditional hardcore mode and a more forgiving (but no less difficult) casual mode for optimum fun regardless of how you choose to play.


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