Home Gaming REVIEW : Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (PC)

REVIEW : Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (PC)

REVIEW : Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (PC)

Dokapon Kingdom is a hybrid RPG and party game that works like Nintendo’s Mario Party franchise in the sense that you’ll have four players, random “dice rolls” — in this game, spins — and enough random chance to ensure that newcomers stand at least a small, small chance against seasoned vets. With its RPG influence though, players that really dig into the game will find more customization, strategy, and depth than some RPG’s. The game is more a board game than a traditional “party” title, as you won’t be seeing dozens of mini-games or any of those classic “Mario Party” elements, but instead will find a game more along the lines of the awesome Munchkin party card game, or something like a humorous version of risk.

REVIEW : Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (PC)

The multiplayer addition validates Dokapon Kingdom, even when so many other aspects would scream at us to turn away. Graphics could be stronger, audio could use work, interface might be less than impressive, but if you’re still sinking dozens upon dozens of hours into a game, it’s obviously doing something right. The game is also very replayable with different classes and characters to choose from. The game has a lot of depth and strategy to it which makes it very engaging.

REVIEW : Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (PC)

The game has a lot of content to offer with different modes such as story mode and battle royale mode. The story mode is very engaging and has a lot of twists and turns which makes it very interesting. The battle royale mode is also very fun to play with friends. The game also has a lot of items and weapons to choose from which makes it very interesting.

REVIEW : Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (PC)

The game has some flaws such as the graphics which could be better and the audio which could use some work. The interface might also be less than impressive but these flaws are overshadowed by the gameplay which is very engaging. The game is also very challenging which makes it very rewarding when you finally beat it.

REVIEW : Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (PC)

In conclusion, Dokapon Kingdom is an excellent hybrid RPG and party game that offers a lot of content and depth. It has some flaws but these are overshadowed by the gameplay which is very engaging. The multiplayer addition validates Dokapon Kingdom and makes it very replayable. If you’re looking for an engaging party game with RPG elements then Dokapon Kingdom is definitely worth checking out.

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review-dokapon-kingdom-connect-pcIn conclusion, Dokapon Kingdom is an excellent hybrid RPG and party game that offers a lot of content and depth. It has some flaws but these are overshadowed by the gameplay which is very engaging. The multiplayer addition validates Dokapon Kingdom and makes it very replayable. If you're looking for an engaging party game with RPG elements then Dokapon Kingdom is definitely worth checking out.



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