REVIEW : Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (PC)

REVIEW : Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (PC)

Tomb Raider is one of the most iconic and influential video game franchises of all time, featuring the legendary adventurer Lara Croft as she explores ancient tombs, solves puzzles, and fights enemies. The first three games in the series, released between 1996 and 1998, set the standard for the action-adventure genre and established Lara as a cultural phenomenon.

REVIEW : Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (PC)

However, the original games have not aged well, with outdated graphics, clunky controls, and frustrating level design. That’s why I was excited to try out the Tomb Raider Remastered I-III collection, which promises to bring the classic games to the modern era with improved visuals, gameplay, and accessibility. The collection is available on PC via Steam, and it includes the following titles:

REVIEW : Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (PC)

– Tomb Raider Remastered: The game that started it all, where Lara travels to Peru, Greece, Egypt, and Atlantis in search of the Scion, a mysterious artifact with ancient power.
– Tomb Raider II Remastered: The sequel that introduced new weapons, vehicles, and locations, such as Venice, Tibet, China, and the sunken ship Maria Doria. Lara’s quest is to find the Dagger of Xian, a mythical weapon that can turn its wielder into a dragon.
– Tomb Raider III Remastered: The third installment that added more variety and challenge to the gameplay, with multiple paths, secrets, and enemies. Lara’s adventure takes her to India, South Pacific, London, Nevada, and Antarctica, where she must stop a meteorite fragment from unleashing a deadly virus.

So, how does the remastered collection compare to the original games? Is it worth revisiting these classics, or are they better left in the past? Here are my thoughts on the pros and cons of the Tomb Raider Remastered I-III collection:

REVIEW : Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (PC)


– The graphics are significantly improved, with higher resolution, smoother textures, and more realistic lighting and shadows. The environments look more detailed and immersive, and the character models look more lifelike and expressive. The remastered games also support widescreen and 4K resolutions, as well as various graphical options to customize your experience.
– The gameplay is more fluid and responsive, with refined controls, camera, and physics. The movement and combat feel more natural and intuitive, and the puzzles and platforming are more balanced and fair. The remastered games also include some quality-of-life features, such as quick save and load, auto-aim, and hints.
– The accessibility is enhanced, with more options to adjust the difficulty, speed, and sound. The remastered games also include subtitles, captions, and audio descriptions for the hearing and visually impaired players. The collection also supports Steam achievements, cloud saves, and controller support.


– The content is mostly unchanged, with no new levels, missions, or modes. The remastered games are faithful to the original games, which means they also inherit some of their flaws and limitations. The level design can still be confusing and repetitive, the story and dialogue can still be cheesy and nonsensical, and the bugs and glitches can still be annoying and game-breaking.
– The nostalgia factor may vary, depending on your personal preference and experience. The remastered games are meant to appeal to the fans of the original games, who may enjoy reliving their memories and seeing how the games have evolved. However, if you are new to the series or prefer the newer games, you may find the remastered games too dated and simplistic, and not worth your time and money.

REVIEW : Tomb Raider I-III Remastered (PC)


The Tomb Raider Remastered I-III collection is a commendable effort to modernize and preserve the classic games that defined the action-adventure genre and made Lara Croft a household name. The collection offers a significant improvement in graphics, gameplay, and accessibility, making the games more enjoyable and playable for today’s standards. However, the collection also retains the same content, which may not appeal to everyone, especially those who are looking for something new or different. The collection is best suited for the fans of the original games, who can appreciate the nostalgia and the history behind them. For them, the collection is a must-have and a worthy tribute to the legacy of Tomb Raider.

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review-tomb-raider-i-iii-remastered-pcThe Tomb Raider Remastered I-III collection is a commendable effort to modernize and preserve the classic games that defined the action-adventure genre and made Lara Croft a household name. The collection offers a significant improvement in graphics, gameplay, and accessibility, making the games more enjoyable and playable for today's standards. However, the collection also retains the same content, which may not appeal to everyone, especially those who are looking for something new or different. The collection is best suited for the fans of the original games, who can appreciate the nostalgia and the history behind them. For them, the collection is a must-have and a worthy tribute to the legacy of Tomb Raider.


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