VR gunslinging space western Speedy Gun Savage receives its biggest update yet


VR gunslinging space western Speedy Gun Savage receives its biggest update yet

Gamitronics’ gunslinging space western VR-exclusive Speedy Gun Savage just received its greatest update yet, offering new game modes, new achievements, in-game leaderboards, extended map details and bug fixes.

Following the addition of 3D spatial audio and haptic feedback, this latest update adds an all new Duel Challenge mode. Hearkening back to classic Westerns, this mode has you facing off against a single opponent at a time, waiting for the count of three to draw. Do you have what it takes to be the fastest sharpshooter in the west? Ascend the all new leaderboards to find out!

Also new are Wave Challenges. These pit your gun blazing, hell raising cowboy against a menagerie of monsters. New to this mode is a free movement system, allowing you full reign of the terrain as you scramble about facing off against legions of unholy foes.

Access the new Hall of Fame and see where you stand amongst Speedy Gun Savage players all across the globe. These can be sorted by individual planets or the entire campaign, with options to filter for Steam friends. Top the leaderboards to unlock new achievements.

Speedy Gun Savage is currently available on Steam Early Access where it’s compatible with HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift. The full launch later this Summer will also be available on PlayStation VR.

More about Speedy Gun Savage
Speedy Gun Savage is an arcade shooter putting players in the gunslinging boots of alien bounty hunter Wolf as they embark on a quest through three stages of futuristic, western-inspired shootouts. Joined by their robot sidekick 3V4N, Speedy Gun Savage features a dynamic cover system, three guns, eleven enemy types, and three planets each with multiple levels and with their own unique bosses. Each stage offers replayability with online leaderboards as players hone their gunslinging game in this steampunk adventure.

In addition to their work in video games, Gamitronics has worked on numerous theme park attractions using both VR and robotics. Many of these were based around known video game properties including Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and Battlefield, wherein these franchises were realized in painstaking detail for publishers such as Capcom, Square Enix, and EA. Speedy Gun Savage is a sizzle reel for what they can do by consolidating all of their VR and robotics specializations entirely into one blistering video game showcase.
More information on Speedy Gun Savage:
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Visit the Speedy Gun Savage website: http://sgsthegame.gamitronics.com/ 

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