Geheimnisnacht returns bigger than ever and introduces permanent Grudge Marks update

Independent developer Fatshark is proud to bring a new challenge to the award-winning and multi-million selling Warhammer: Vermintide 2.

Geheimnisnacht is upon us, and it’s bigger than ever. The yearly event has grown, and the players of Warhammer: Vermintide 2 will get to experience the greatest Geheimnisnacht ever.

Geheimnisnacht introduces Grudge Marks
The Grudge Marks is a free update that brings an amplified challenge to the Chaos Wastes expansion of Vermintide 2, which will make the players face mutated enemies. The Chaos Wastes expansion was released earlier this year and is free for anyone that owns Warhammer: Vermintide 2.  

Geheimnisnacht including Grudge Marks is a free update available on PC and consoles today. 

“The Warhammer Vermintide 2 Chaos Wastes expansion was a huge success and we’re happy to add even greater challenges for the players.” says Martin Wahlund, CEO Fatshark. “And at the same time we bring the biggest Geheimnisnacht event we’ve ever arranged.”
No Snoozing
There’s a clock on the Geheimnisnacht event, it starts today and ends on November 7. Grudge Marks are forever.

Grudge Marks 
Face stronger monsters than ever before. The Grudge Marked monsters are identified by two spears poking up through their backs. Depending on difficulty each Grudge Marked monster has a set of attributes that modifies their defensive and offensive behaviour. We are adding 10 attributes in this update. Grudge Marked monsters can only be found in Chaos Wastes.

Premium Cosmetics
Lohner, Ubersreik’s own stylista, has stocked his Emporium of Wonders with a new fall collection for the following careers.

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