Bubsy: Paws on Fire! releases April 2019, Accolade launches DLC Kickstarter campaign

Bubsy: Paws on Fire! releases April 2019, Accolade launches DLC Kickstarter campaign
Bubsy: Paws on Fire! releases April 2019, Accolade launches DLC Kickstarter campaign

Bubsy: Paws on Fire! releases April 2019, Accolade launches DLC Kickstarter campaign

Accolade has announced an April release for Bubsy: Paws on Fire! Additionally, a Kickstarter for the game will be launching later today. The campaign–centered around DLC for the game–will reward backers with game codes, OSTs, a limited edition physical PS4 version of the game, and the aforementioned DLC. Backers may also receive emails from Bubsy himself, though for some reason they always end up in the spam folder.

Bubsy: Paws on Fire! is the latest and greatest adventure of everybody’s (or at least somebody’s) favorite virtual bobcat. Developed by Choice Provisions, it features four playable characters with their own unique skillsets. Soar through the air in The Woolie’s shoot ‘em up levels! Hide from Bubsy in Arnold’s underground tunnel levels! Spend some time on the planet’s surface with Bubsy and Virgil! The choice is yours.

The Kickstarter goal is set at $25,000, with several stretch goals set up to unlock more DLC content for the game. This includes a secret, mysterious playable character you’ll never be able to guess within a few seconds of thinking about the main character of most of Choice Provisions’ games!

Bubsy: Paws on Fire! will launch on PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Assets can be found here. Those of you interested in hearing more about the game are encouraged to check out the official Bubsy site or reply to this email. We’re all ears!

A Word from Our Bobcat…
A Kickstarter, huh? Say, aren’t those a ton of work?! Well, if it means people have the chance for more me, who am I to say no? I would move mountains if it meant all you wonderful people could get a little more Bubsy in your lives!

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