Delve into the Sounds of Resolutiion and Experience the Press Demo


Delve into the Sounds of Resolutiion and Experience the Press Demo

Deck13 Spotlight, the publishing Label of Deck13 Interactive and developer Monolith of Minds are happy to announce that a press demo of “Resolutiion” is now available for Media & Streamers. Including multiple bossfights and badass emotional tunes.

But to give everyone else a chance to listen to these tunes, a fresh teaser with focus on the soundtrack of the game has been released. The teaser gives an outlook on four of the nearly 60 tracks which will be present in the final game.

“Resolutiion” is set to release in 2020 on PC and Consoles. Players will slip into the role of Valor, an old killer escorting a curious AI to infiltrate a terrorist network. They will find themselves in a grimdark cyberpunk world where nothing and everything can be real and where they will need to crush a revolt against the dystopian paradise the world has become.

About Resolutiion:

  • 20 hours of playtime
  • Explore a grim cyberpunk world where nothing is as it seems
  • Experience a dark story where you might be the hero – or the villain
  • Unlock new abilities to defeat your enemies
  • Survive in brutal fights and crush gruesome bosses
  • Play or be played

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