Fight Through Ash Clouds in the Latest Volcanoids Update


Fight Through Ash Clouds in the Latest Volcanoids Update

Volcanoid, the team behind steampunk shooter survival game Volcanoids, has released a major update to their co-op Early Access title today. Following on previous updates bringing new weapons and co-op to the game, the Summer Update delivers Volcanoids players a grab bag of new gear to play with. 

In Volcanoids, players race against the clock gathering supplies and materials to improve their drillship before having to dive below ground before the volcano erupts. Previously, players would emerge to discover the island’s lush forests regrown. Now, a thick dust cloud hangs over the island for a time forcing players to scrounge through ash and embers as their machine enemies seek them out.

Players can now also customize their drillship base with new colors, drill heads, and decals. As a special thank you , the Volcanoids team sent out a few custom in-game decals to some of their long term favorite content creators. See if you can spot them in the wild!
New melee weapons such as the Saw Gauntlet have been added to the game allowing players to get up close and personal with hostile machines. Use your new trusty flashlight tool to light up dark places and find your way through the ash cloud. 
The Volcanoids team has also added new community-requested drillship devices, making healing devices, item dispensers, and turret control stations available to build. With more options to build, beating back the machine menace becomes a lot more fun!

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