Games for Impact is an international online festival


Games for Impact is an international online festival

Take the unique opportunity to listen to the creators of games about the Lukashenka regime: Franak Viačorka – the advisor or Swiatlana Cichanouska – the leader of Belarusian opposition, and Andrew Maximov (Uncharted 4, The Last of Us 2 developer), who became famous for creating an algorithm that recognizes the faces of masked agents of the Belarusian security services. Put your hands on Get Bad News, a game that fights fake news, and Go Viral, which disarms conspiracy theories built around COVID-19. This, and much more, awaits you at the Games for Impact festival that starts online today.

The festival starts today, at 6:30 CET on the official website:, and will last until December 11th. You can follow the festival program here: If you haven’t registered yet, you can still do so by filling in the following form: Once done, you’ll get access to exclusive videos prepared by developers for the event, hands-on demos, panels, Q&As, and workshops.

Screenshot from the game The End of the Sun.


Games for Impact is an international festival showcasing purposeful video games that reach beyond entertainment. The first edition in 2018 was the first event of this kind in Central and Eastern Europe. It featured 30+ games and XR experiences as well as speakers from all over the world, including Asi Burak (longtime president of Games for Change), Amy and Ryan Green (creators of the award-winning game That Dragon, Cancer), and Paweł Miechowski (This War of Mine).

This year’s edition, which goes online because of COVID-19, moves from exploring the territory to a more practical engagement with it – building ties between game developers, social innovators, educators, and funders while providing useful insights, case studies, and recommendations.

Some of the topics that will be covered during the event are games for children and classrooms, titles that encourage critical thinking and foster empathy, those that address accessibility or cross-sector cooperation.

Festival participants will be able to learn what do games have to do with Belarus revolution, how to build better minority characters or how to properly use game-tech for accessibility. But these are only a few of many interesting panels that will be happening on-line, so be sure to browse through the event program to pick up those most interesting for you.

Screenshot from the game Watch Me Stream My Mental Breakdown

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