Tonight’s Headline: Not For Broadcast out now on Steam, GOG and Epic!


A world record-breaking game of satirical, surreal news-editing action, leaving Early Access today.

Publisher tinyBuild and developers NotGames are bringing you tonight’s main story: Not For Broadcast is out now on SteamGOG and the Epic Games Store, breaking a world record in the process. 

Dive into a world of scathing satire and surreal screwball comedy in this one-of-a-kind game of live broadcast news management, complete after two years in Early Access, and accompanied by the game’s biggest and most content-packed update yet.

The launch update brings Not For Broadcast up to a staggering 42 hours, 57 minutes and 52 seconds of live-action footage to edit, splice and unleash on an unsuspecting nation. Officially breaking the record for the Most Full Motion Video footage in a videogame, as verified by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS®.

Not For Broadcast sets players loose at the broadcasting desk for the National Nightly News. No time to plan; this is live TV! Pick the camera angles, bleep the swearing, and make editorial decisions that might just change the course of history. Or at least your own bank-balance. No pressure, eh? And a job’s a job.

Managing live TV sounds intimidating, but Not For Broadcast makes it fun and accessible through a powerful yet easy-to-learn interface. Switch between video feeds with a single button, clear up static, pick and run which sponsor’s tapes to run and always keep an eye on the ratings—there’s nothing worse than a bored viewer!

With thousands of glowing user reviews and over 300,000 copies sold in Early Access, Not For Broadcast is aiming higher than ever before with the release of its third and final story episode today. Featuring three dramatic new broadcasts and multiple endings, players will have to make some tough calls if they want to see this story through to its end.

Not For Broadcast is available now on SteamGOG and the Epic Games Store.

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